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Tool used to share information private or non-private
with a link whose content will be deleted on first reading.

Secured End-to-end encrypted   Unique Single use

(optional, by default your content is encrypted with a protonURL secret key)
Remember to write down your secret key on your side and send it to the recipient of the protonURL so that he can discover its content.
Without this key it will be impossible to retrieve the content of this protonURL because we do not keep your key.

Frequently Asked Questions
The protonURL and its content are deleted as soon as they are consulted. If not viewed, the protonURL will self-destruct 72 hours after it was created.
Data is deleted in 2 ways:
  • Either the protonURL is consulted within 72h, then when someone consults the protonURL, as soon as he clicks on "Show content" the data is displayed and immediately deleted from the database.
  • Either the protonURL has not been consulted within 72 hours, then the data is automatically deleted from the database.
Knowing that the service offered is to have temporary content, deleted after consultation, we have no interest in doing the opposite. The data is indeed erased irretrievably after consultation.
Therefore it is not possible to send a protonURL to several contacts because only the first one who consults it will see its content.
Data stored on protonURL is encrypted with AES-256-CBC encryption. A different key and IV are used for each content. This means that even if an attacker manages to access the encrypted data, they will not be able to decrypt it without the corresponding IV. The IV is a random number that is generated for each piece of content when it is encrypted and is stored separately from the encrypted data itself. Encrypted data is stored on secure servers in Europe and is constantly monitored to ensure its security and confidentiality.
No. As the data is permanently deleted after its consultation, we have no trace after its destruction.
No. As soon as the first contact consults the protonURL, its content will be erased, so the next contact who wishes to consult the content will no longer have access to it.
Yes. You can activate this option by checking the box for it under the text box and filling in your key. Be sure to save it and pass it on to the person who will need to open your protonURL, because as we do not store users' private keys, without it it will be impossible to display the content.
No. This private key is used when creating the protonURL to encrypt the content but is not saved. It is therefore important that you keep it on your side and pass it on to the recipient in order that it can display the content.
The system will try to decrypt the protonURL with this bad key, the content will be displayed still encrypted, then as soon as it is displayed it will be deleted like a classic protonURL. Indeed, as we do not save the private keys, it it was not possible for us to test if the entered key is the correct one.
Simply because sending passwords, or sensitive content, by email or SMS is very risky, especially since this content remains available for months, and even years, in the inbox and in the sent items.
With our system, all that will remain in these boxes is a link to content that no longer exists.
Do you want to create a pre-filled link?

You can link to protonURL with the text box pre-filled to have the protonURL ready to be created. To do this, you just need to create a link like:

The content of the "prefilled" field must be encoded in base64. Here is an example code in PHP:
<a href="<?php echo base64_encode("Login: my-login\nPassword: my-password"); ?>" target="_blank">Bouton</a>

You can also include the language to redirect the visitor directly to your language:
<a href="<?php echo base64_encode("Login: my-login\nPassword: my-password"); ?>" target="_blank">Bouton</a>

Please note, this feature is intended for experienced users, use these pre-filled links with care, they should only be displayed to people who are already aware of the content or to whom this content is voluntarily sent, and not to the public. The "prefilled" content encoded via base64 is not encrypted, this encoding is used simply to facilitate the creation and sharing of the link. We decline all responsibility in the event of misuse of our system.